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Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Decade of Fire: How the South Bronx was burned" - support indie films!

Here at BCP, we're from the Bronx. It's our home, our stomping grounds and quite frankly, it's ingrained in our attitudes, our history and just about every aspect of who we are and what we do (guerrilla filmmaking for instance).

So, recently friend and amazing artist  had shared a link for a film still in the process of being made, as far as we can tell called "Decade of Fire: How the South Bronx was Burned" and of course, it caught our attention. the film is co-produced by Vivian Vazquez, Gretchen Hildebran and Julia Allen. Being indie filmmakers and supporters of all things interesting and refreshing, we took a look at the trailer. It looks awesome.

They've also set up a kickstarter pledge - DONATE HERE .

We love a good story. And we think there's one right here in the making. Check out the trailer below, hit up the kickstarter page and lend a hand in helping to fund have this film get made. As Bronx natives, we're already fans, but you'll notice the quality of the documentary is there and even more so worth your dollars. Without help, stories like there never make it into the public scope. So, if you love film, if you love the Bronx, hell, if you just like supporting a good cause, by all means, check this out. Cheers.

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